These surgeries include removing any apical cyst, abscess, or granuloma and IV sedation.
3 months of routine post-operative care is included.
Apicoectomy, incisor or canine tooth: $1200
Apicoectomy, premolar: $1200
Apicoectomy, molar: $2250
*Apicoectomy consultations are $200. The $200 is applied to the surgery price above if surgery is completed within 3 months of the consultation. If the consultation and surgery are on the same day, there is no separate charge for the consultation. More details are here.
What is an Apicoectomy?
An apicoectomy may be needed when an infection develops or won’t go away after root canal treatment or retreatment.
Your teeth are held in place by roots that extend into your jawbone. Front teeth usually have one root. Other teeth, such as your premolars and molars, have two or more roots. The tip or end of each root is called the apex. Nerves and blood vessels enter the tooth through the apex. They travel through a canal inside the root into the pulp chamber in the crown (the part of the tooth you can see in your mouth).
During root canal treatment, the canals are cleaned using special instruments. Inflamed or infected tissue is removed.
Root canals can be very complex, with many tiny nerve and vessel branches off the main canal. Sometimes, even after root canal treatment, infected tissue can remain in these branches. This infected tissue can possibly prevent healing or cause re-infection later. In an apicoectomy, the root tip, or apex, is removed along with the infected tissue.
We strongly recommend extracting a molar that needs an apicoectomy and replacing it with a dental implant instead of doing the apicoectomy.