Orthognathic Surgery (Jaw Repositioning)
Orthognathic surgery is surgery to reposition the upper or lower jaw. It is used to correct overbites, underbites, and other conditions. This type of surgery usually requires working with an orthodontist. The orthodontist aligns your teeth to fit to your new, post-surgery bite.
Surgeries done off-site are subject to our off-site minimum fee of $3,000. Rounding on a patient in the hospital is $250 per day. More details are here.
Anesthesia is billed by the anesthesiologist who generally accepts your medical insurance (if your insurance considers this a covered procedure). The hospital will also have fees that may be covered by your medical insurance.
For more information about orthognathic surgery and medical insurance, read this letter.
These surgeries include 12 months of routine post-operative care and care of minor complications. These surgeries include 4 months of post-operative care for major complications.
Orthognathic surgery consultations are $400. The $400 is applied to the surgery price below if surgery is completed within 3 years of the consultation. The consultation fees is charged even if patients decided not to proceed with surgery. After 3 years, the consultation fee is not applied towards surgery. More details are here.
Does not include anesthesia or sedation if done in the office.
Does not include hardware (plates & screws) if done in the office.
Genioplasty (chin repositioning): $3,400
Mandibular (lower jaw) sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO): $3,400 per side
Mandibular (lower jaw) intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy (IVRO): $2,675 per side
Maxillary (upper jaw) Le Fort I osteotomy, 1 piece: $7,500
Maxillary (upper jaw) Le Fort I osteotomy, 2 pieces: $9,250
Maxillary (upper jaw) Le Fort I osteotomy, 3 pieces: $10,375
Subapical osteotomy (to reposition teeth instead of the whole jaw bone): $6,480
Bone allograft (donor bone) for orthognathic surgery: $435 per osteotomy
Bone autograft (living bone from the patient) for orthognathic surgery: $1,950 per osteotomy